Pledge to Keep
our water Drinkable,
Fishable, Swimmable

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Join CMWEA in protecting drinkable, fishable, swimmable water in your community. By becoming a member, you have the power to take action and make a real difference. Together, we can improve our communities and ensure a sustainable future for our water resources.

Become a member and join us on this vital mission of protecting our precious waterways.

Become a member

Pledge to Keep our water
Drinkable, Fishable, Swimmable

Take the Pledge!

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Take the pledge and download our Clean Water BINGO. Play to help keep our water clean.

H2you news

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Stay informed on the impacts human habits and products have on our water, and what you can do to help further change.

A Sweeping Solution to Stormwater Pollution

There’s a surprisingly simple and proven solution to stormwater pollution. When it rains in urbanized places like parking lots and paved streets, instead of soaking into the ground, stormwater runs off these impermeable — essentially…

What flows in, also flows out

As the snow starts melting this month, snowmelt will rush off your yard in all directions. If you live in an urban area, the snow melt will likely find its way to the nearest storm…

Adopt a Drain in your neighborhood

One of the best ways to help combat the problem of litter in our waterways is to consume less. Everyday decisions can help combat unnecessary packaging, reducing the risk of plastics and litter ending up…

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Pledge your commitment to clean water by taking the clean water pledge. Your actions to make clean water choices will help ensure we have drinkable, fishable, swimmable water for all.

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