Central Minnesota Water Education Alliance (CMWEA) is a coalition of Central Minnesota cities, counties, townships, and other organizations that provides educational outreach to promote water quality stewardship.
The mission of CMWEA is to develop and implement educational programs that encourage individuals in Central Minnesota to protect water resources by increasing their knowledge and making simple behavior changes. By working in concert, the members of CMWEA are able to provide a consistent water quality educational message in a cost-effective manner. Funding is provided by membership dues.
Our members
Other communities and organizations interested in joining CMWEA are welcome. For more information on CMWEA, to report illegal dumping or water quality issues, please contact any of the members listed below.
Stearns County
320.656.3613 | shawn.west@stearnscountymn.gov
City of St. Cloud
320.255.7226 | stormwater@ci.stcloud.mn.us
City of Sartell
320.253.2171 | info@sartellmn.com
City of St. Joseph
320.363.7201 | rwensmann@cityofstjoseph.com
City of Waite Park
320.339.1158 | pw.regulations@ci.waitepark.mn.us
City of Sauk Rapids
320.258.5319 | peckhoff@ci.sauk-rapids.mn.us
City of Willmar
320.235.4913 | info@willmarmn.gov
St. Joseph Township
320.363.8825 | abr1960@q.com
Le Sauk Township
320.252.9958 | lesauktownship@gmail.com
St. Cloud State University
320.654.7278 | safetyadmin@stcloudstate.edu
MN Department of Transportation
218.828.5792 | robert.miller@state.mn.us
Benton County
320.968.5052 | mloidolt@co.benton.mn.us
Minden Township
320.429.4413 | simonesturfsales@gmail.com
Sauk Rapids Township
320.252.8783 | jeannemontag@aol.com
Watab Township
320.255.8916 | watabts@gmail.com
320.352.2231 | srwd@srwdmn.org
City of St. Augusta
320.654.0387 | bmccabe@staugustamn.com
St. Cloud VA
320.252.1670 Ext. 6508 | jody.staples@va.gov
City of Sauk Centre
320.352.2203 | wastewater@scpuc.com
City of Rockville
320.250.2601 | publicworks@rockvillecity.org
City of Paynesville
320.243.3714 | ron@paynesvillemn.com
City of Richmond
320.597.2075 | gdingmann@ci.richmond.mn.us
320.968.4062 | foleypwks@cloudnet.com
Stearns County Soil & Water Conservation District
320.251.7800 Ext. 3 | Wayne.Cymbaluk@mn.nacdnet.net
320.968.5300 Ext 3 | Emily.Forbord@mn.nacdnet.net
herARTS in Action
320-266-4316 | herartsinaction@yahoo.com
Upper Mississippi River Source Water Protection Project
Sherburne County Soil & Water Conservation District
Business MEMBERS
Bolton & Menk
Nelson Sanitation & Rental
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Drinkable, Fishable, Swimmable
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