Keep Storm Drains Clean and Free of Debris

Storm drains and watersheds are rainwater expressways leading directly into our lakes and rivers. Unwanted pollutants such as trash, leaves, fertilizers and pesticides, pet waste, household cleaners, oils, grease, paint, and many more – referred to as illicit discharges – pollute the fresh waters that are the sources of our drinking water.

By cleaning away grass clippings, leaves, litter and other debris from storm drain grates and properly disposing of household hazardous waste and other illicit discharges, you help protect the water for all of us and the wildlife that depend on it. 
In addition to keeping storm drains clean and free, any illicit discharges, such as paints or oils and grease, entering residential or commercial sinks and floor drains also negatively impact our water quality.

Pledge to Keep our water
Drinkable, Fishable, Swimmable

Pledge and Play!

Take the pledge and download our Clean Water BINGO. Play to help keep our water clean.
