Properly Apply Fertilizer

Use low or no phosphorus fertilizers and do not overuse or misapply fertilizers onto sidewalks and paved areas. When it rains, any misapplied fertilizers sitting on sidewalks or other paved areas will get washed into drainage ways and make their way, untreated, into our waterways.


Low Impact Lawn Care
Healthy lawns require fewer chemicals, hold the soil in place, and withstand drought. This link provides the top things you can do to keep your lawn happy and healthy.
EarthEasy: Solutions for Sustainable Living
Identify natural solutions for a healthy lawn.
Our Water – Our World: Pesticide Info & Alternatives
This website helps consumers manage home and garden pests in a sustainable, environmental manner.

Pledge to Keep our water
Drinkable, Fishable, Swimmable

Pledge and Play!

Take the pledge and download our Clean Water BINGO. Play to help keep our water clean.
